It’s an Interesting Life – My 100th Post!


A few weeks ago when I was getting my hair cut the barber said “I’ve seen you in the paper a fair bit recently. Do they give you a call whenever they are getting low on news to fill up space?”

My first reaction was to think – “Gee, what a douche-bag! Looks like I’ll be getting my hair done elsewhere from now on…”

My second reaction was to actually say “No. I just have an interesting life that occasionally involves situations that deserve publication!”

And, as this is my 100th “Napier in Frame” post, I think that’s true!

Over the past two-and-a-bit years I’ve:

Been fortunate to end up in some unique situations,


To do stuff I love,


To meet wonderful, interesting people,

The team gathers before the game...

The team gathers before the game…

To share trials, triumphs and tragedy,

Double Grandad

Have some fun,

"Where are we going, Wilbur?"

“Where are we going, Wilbur?”

Generate debate and discussion,


And, more often than not, to have a bloody good vent!


I have also been very fortunate to have you, my readers, get involved, give support and feedback and, well, read my posts! It makes the whole exercise worthwhile.


So, thank you!

Here’s to another 100+ posts and, who knows. maybe even something professional may come of it! (I’ll write for food and / or money!) 😉

One thought on “It’s an Interesting Life – My 100th Post!

  1. Hi, Just discovered your blog today, so congrats on your 100th post. I’ve just skimmed through a couple of your posts and they make for great reading. Will start from scratch and work my way through. I am a Napier born, now Hamiltonian, and from what I’ve read so far of your blog posts, l seem to agree with them. Cheers! Rachel

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