Are Amalgamationalists Holding HB’s Economy to Ransom?

Every once in a while I write something, people listen and great stuff happens, but no-one notices that I bothered to begin with. Such a case was Bruce Bisset’s “Create ‘Potential’ in Regions, Too” piece in Saturday’s Hawke’s Bay Today. … Continue reading

The “P”s of Amalgamation in HB

“Amalgamating Hawke’s Bay’s five councils into one entity WILL result in lower council rates” This is one of the major selling Points “A Better Hawke’s Bay” / “Amalgamate Hawke’s Bay” and their Proponents would have you believe. And you know … Continue reading

Something In The Water

During last week’s rather atrocious weather across Hawke’s Bay Napier’s continuing water woes became even more evident, with Napier City Council issuing a notification for residents to refrain from taking baths, or flushing toilets for 36 hours on Wednesday the … Continue reading

A Better Hawke’s Bay Today

In recent years New Zealand’s news media has taken a bit of a hiding. Sure, people aren’t consuming news like they used to – Papers are still read, but web-based news is being read more. People still listen to the … Continue reading

…And Be Counted!

“The ultimate rulers of our democracy are… the voters.” Sir Richard Branson If there was an election held today on voter participation in Hawke’s Bay apathy would win in a landslide. If anyone bothered to vote, that is… I did … Continue reading

We Gonna Run This Region!

I met with someone who reads my blog the other day. We had a very interesting, long talk about how we see things in Napier and Hawke’s Bay, what’s wrong and what can be done. It was one of those … Continue reading

Speech-bubbling the Same (Distractive) Language?

I can’t help but notice the similarities between the recently launched campaign of John Key’s pet project – changing New Zealand’s flag and those of “Amalgamate Hawke’s Bay” – A Better Hawke’s Bay’s pro-local government amalgamation endeavors here in Hawke’s … Continue reading

Whinge Away!

I have noticed a disturbing trend emerging in Hawke’s Bay recently – no-one is allowed to complain. About anything. If you do, you are a “Hater”, or a “Knocker”. Basically, it’s devolved into George W. Bush-esque “You’re either with us … Continue reading